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  • Dale Last

Small businesses gutted in fishing blue

Member for Burdekin Dale Last has lashed the state Labor government as seafood shop owners and marine businesses in the Burdekin are left as collateral damage in Labor’s decision to gut the commercial fishing industry.

Mr Last said while the introduction of a heavily restricted commercial gillnet licence symbol NX, should have been an opportunity to allow our commercial fishers to continue to supply our state’s seafood consumers and support flow-on small businesses, its proven to be tied up in red tape and left fishers fearful to work under the new regulations.

 “If the Minister had taken the time to listen to stakeholders at the rally in the Burdekin last year he would know the devastating flow on effect the changes imposed on the commercial gillnet fishing industry would have on our marine businesses and seafood shop operators,” Mr Last.

“Not only have we seen the livelihoods of commercial fishermen sent into turmoil, we are now seeing communities and the businesses that operate within them left as collateral damage.”

“While the Minister may have people think compensation packages are there to support impacted businesses, the harsh reality is the amount needed to diversify their small business would actually far outweigh the support being offered.”

Mr Last said already within the first months of implementing the new NX licences for commercial fishers, it was clear there had been no consultation with the industry around the conditions that would be forced upon them.

“Despite commercial gillnet fishers jumping through every hoop to obtain an NX licence, Labor is still insistent on treating them as criminals when the vast majority just want to ensure that seafood consumers still have access to locally caught produce.”

“It’s an absolute disgrace by both state and federal Labor that not only have they bound another primary industry in unworkable red tape but that they have been quite happy to turn a blind eye to the wider impacts on those businesses that support local jobs and our community’s economy.”

“Just like we have seen with regulation imposed on our sugarcane farmers, once again this community and the small businesses that make its backbone are sacrificed in an effort for Labor to appease the Green vote.”

“If the Minister really was the ‘farmers friend’ he would be making every effort to work with our primary industries and the communities that rely on them, rather than standing by and watching small businesses shut shop at the hand of haphazard regulation.”

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