A so-called budget boost for the Bruce Highway proves that both the state and federal governments have no understanding of regional Queensland’s reliance on the highway according to Member for Burdekin, Dale Last MP.
Combined with a recent reduction in the federal government’s contribution to road projects, Mr Last cited a local project as proof road users should not be fooled into thinking major improvements were on the cards.
“While $467 million sounds like a huge investment, very little will change in real terms,” he said. “The Haughton Flood Plain Upgrade alone cost more than the total amount the federal government has allocated to the entire 1,700km of the Bruce Highway.”
“It is nothing short of insulting that the federal Treasurer can call this a budget for the Bruce when, in today’s terms, the announcement would bring less than 1% of the highway up to standard. Canberra and Brisbane might think it’s a great announcement but, in regional Queensland, we know it’s nothing short of a hoax.”
“With the current state of the Bruce Highway, there’s barely enough money to fill the potholes, let alone make the road safer.”
Mr Last said Queensland’s Minister for Transport was “toeing the Labor line” in another insult to regional road users.
“The Queensland Labor Transport Minister has offered his support dependent on the details in the federal budget,” Mr Last said. “Meanwhile, almost 2 years after it was recommended, we have seen nothing of state Labor’s strategic plan for the Bruce.”
“Minister Melish needs to stand up and actually start working for Queenslanders. Not only is the highway a key artery for people who live in regional Queensland, it is also a vital transport link for everything from food to medicine and resources.”
“In addition to the economic importance of the Bruce it is a fact that lives are being lost on an almost daily basis and the majority of those are in regional Queensland.”
“The Prime Minister has said the Bruce Highway should be as good as the dual-lane highway between Brisbane and Sydney. After you take out the money that is already committed to individual projects, we will be lucky to see a few overtaking lanes built as a result of this funding.”